Sunday, 18 May 2014

Classic Studies

Godofredi Hermann (1796). De Metris Poetarum graecorum et romanorum,libri III. Libri III. Ges. Fleischer

John William Donaldson (1836). The Theatre of the Greeks: A Series of Papers Relating to the History and Criticism of the Greek Drama. J. Smith, printer to the University.

The Theatre of the Greeks: A Series of Papers Relating to the History and Criticism of the Greek ... : John William Donaldson - Internet Archive

The theatre of the Greeks; a series of papers relating the history and criticism of the Greek drama

August Wilhelm von Schlegel (1815). A Course of Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Volume 1. Baldwin, Cradock and Joy.

Major, J. R. A Guide to the Reading of the Greek Tragedians. 1844

John William Donaldson (1849). The theatre of the Greeks

Wilhelm Dörpfeld; Emil Reisch. (1896) Das griechische theater.

John Homer Huddilston (1898). Greek Tragedy in the Light of Vase Paintings. Macmillan and Company, limited.

Sir Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge; Thomas Bertram Lonsdale Webster (1927). Dithyramb, tragedy and comedy. Clarendon Press.

Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge (1956). The Theatre of Dionysus in Athens. Clarendon Press.

Arthur Wallace Pickard-Cambridge; John Gould; D. M. Lewis (1973). The Dramatic Festivals of Athens. Clarendon Press.

Oliver Taplin (1978 & 2003) Greek Tragedy in Action , Oxford University Press, Oxford.
PDF Link
Greek tragedy in action : Taplin, Oliver Paul 
Eric R. Dodds (16 June 2004). The Greeks and the Irrational. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0-520-93127-5.

R. B. Rutherford (10 May 2012). Greek Tragic Style: Form, Language and Interpretation. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-37707-3.

Histoire de la Litterature Grecque, Vol. I- Homere-la Poesie Cyclique-Hesiode

Histoire de la Litterature Grecque, Vol. II- Lyrisme-Premiers Prosareurs-Herodote

Histoire de la Litterature Grecque, Vol. III- Periode Attique; Tragedie-Comedie-Genres Secondaires

Aristophanes and the Political Parties at Athens by Maurice Croiset- Internet Archive

Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft

Der Kleine Pauly

Brill's New Pauly/Der Neue Pauly

Brills New Pauly: Encyclopaedia of the Ancient World - 20 Volumes with Index
ISBN 9004122591 (set)

Der Neue Pauly :Enzyklopädie der Antike /herausgegeben von Hubert Cancik und Helmuth Schneider..
Stuttgart : J.B. Metzler, c1996-. ISBN 3476014703 (set); ISBN 9783476020536 (set : Suppl.);

A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities (1890)

William Smith, LLD, William Wayte, G. E. Marindin, Ed.

Joannes Meursius (1619). Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, sive de tragoeddiis eorum, libri III

John Richardson Major (1844). A Guide to the Reading of the Greek Tragedians: Being a Series of Articles on the Greek Drama, Greek Metres, and Canons of Criticism. Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans.

Leonard Whibley (1931). A Companion to Greek Studies (4th Edition). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-107-49754-2.
A Companion To Greek Studies (2nd Edition 1906) - Leonard Whibley - Internet Archive

Classical studies : Fred W. Jenkins - Internet Archive

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