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House of Atreus |
Atreus Thyestes Tyndareus Leda (mythology) - Wikipedia
Agamemnon Menelaus Aegisthus Clytemnestra Helen
Cassandra Iphigenia Orestes Electra
The Tragic Dynasties — Mycenae: The House Of Atreus
Curse of the House of Atreus by Isabella Green
Pylades - Wikipedia
Erinyes - Wikipedia
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Thoughts on the Oresteia before Aischylos - Persée
The Plays
AESCHYLUS, AGAMEMNON Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth (1926 Loeb)
AESCHYLUS, LIBATION BEARERS Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth (1926 Loeb)
AESCHYLUS, EUMENIDES Translated by Herbert Weir Smyth (1926 Loeb)
Oresteia - Wikipedia
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Aeschylus, the Oresteia : Simon Goldhill - Internet Archive
Simon Goldhill (20 May 2004). Language, Sexuality, Narrative: The Oresteia. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-60430-7.
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Griffith, R. D. (1998). Corporality in the Ancient Greek Theatre. Phoenix, 52(3/4), 230–256. https://doi.org/10.2307/1088669 https://www.jstor.org/stable/1088669
Greek Versions
The 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus; with an introduction, commentary, and translation, by A. W. Verrall : Aeschylus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
The 'Choephori' of Aeschylus : Aeschylus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Choephori : Aeschylus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive A.F. Garvie
Orestea, Agamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides. (1845 edition) | Open Library F.A. Paley
Aeschyli Tragoediae : cum incerti poetae Prometheo: Aeschylus - Internet Archive
Oresteia : Richmond Lattimore translator - Internet Archive
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The Oresteia. (1900 edition) | Open Library
Oresteia : Aeschylus, - Internet Archive
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The Oresteia trilogy : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The Oresteia of Aeschylus - Internet Archive
Aeschylus (6 June 2019). The Oresteia. Books on Demand. ISBN 978-3-7412-2598-7.
The Oresteia of Aeschylus (1920 edition) | Open Library
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
Aeschylus (1893). tr. by Lewis Campbell (ed.). The Oresteia of Aeschylus. Methuen
Aeschylus (1893). The Oresteia of Aeschylus. Methuen.
Aeschylus; tr. Gilbert Murray. The Oresteia. Allen & Unwin. The Oresteia - Internet Archive
The Oresteia - Wikisource
The Oresteia of Aeschylus Agamemnon, Choephori, Eumenides trans by R.C. Trevelyan
The Internet Classics Archive | Agamemnon by Aeschylus
The Internet Classics Archive | The Choephori by Aeschylus
The Internet Classics Archive | Eumenides by Aeschylus
Oresteia I (1953 edition) | Open Library David Grene University of Chicago
Oresteia (2015 edition) | Open Library Bloomsbury
Aeschylus, Agamemnon : Aeschylus - Internet Archive Sidgwick
Eumenides, with introd. and notes by A. Sidgwick : Aeschylus Internet Archive
Choephoroi, with introd. and notes by A. Sidgwick : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The 'Agamemnon' of Aeschylus trans.by A. W. Verrall : Aeschylus - Internet Archive
The 'Choephori' of Aeschylus trans by A.W. Verrall - Internet Archive
The Eumenides of Aeschylus trans by A.W. Verrall - Internet Archive
The Oresteia (Mar 15, 2018 edition) | Open Library - Norton Critical Edition
The plays of Aeschylus; : Aeschylus : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive Oxford World's Classics Christopher Collard
The Oresteia : Aeschylus - Internet Archive Penguin Classics Robert Fagles
The Oresteian trilogy : Aeschylus - Internet Archive Penguin Classics Phillip Vellacott
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